APC Graduate Directory & Certification Lookup
Search for APG graduates in your area and confirm their professional credentials. Graduates are listed alphabetically by last name, or you can search by graduate name, location, or program credential.
Riley Aromando
Veterinary Assistant (APC-VA)
Makayla Armstead
Professional Pet Groomer (APC-PPG)
Amanda Andrews
Professional Pet Groomer (APC-PPG)
Cydney Algee
Specialized Dog Trainer (APC-SDT)
Skills Learned in Each Program
Professional Dog Trainer (APC-PDT)
- Trainer’s Toolbox
- 30+ Basic and Intermediate Skills
- Basic Tricks
- Luring/Shaping/Capturing Behaviors
- Troubleshooting and Skill Maintenance
- Solving Common Unwanted Behaviors
- Creating a Training Plan
- Selling Training Packages
- Group Class Instruction
- Client Evaluation & Communication Skills
- Starting a Training Business
- Canine Learning Theory
- Canine Communication & Body Language
- Pet Safety & Enrichment
- Canine Good Citizen (CGC) Testing
- Pet CPR & First Aid
Specialized Dog Trainer (APC-SDT)
- Everything included in Professional +
- Service Dog Skills
- Formal Obedience
- Advanced Retrieve Skills
- Rally Obedience (Rally-O)
- Nose Work
- Scent Discrimination
- Trick Training
- Husbandry Skills
Bather/Brusher (APC-BB)
- Safety & Handling
- Canine Communication Skills
- The Science of Skin & Coat
- Bathing Principles
- Drying Principles
- Brushing & Combing
- Rudimentary Scissoring
- Canine Anatomy
- Nail Care
- Tooth Brushing
- Scent Glands
- Ear Cleaning
- Common Emergencies
- Pet CPR & First Aid
Professional Pet Groomer (APC-PPG)
- Everything included in Bather/Brusher +
- The Groomer’s Toolkit
- Basic & Advanced Scissoring
- Puppy, Kennel, & Outline Trims
- Breed Standards
- Common Breed Trims
- Head & Face Styles
- Foot Types & Styles
- Ear Shapes & Styles
- Tail Types & Styles
- Geometrics/Angles
- Corrective Grooming
- Ergonomics
- Common Zoonotic Diseases
- Salon Sanitation
Veterinary Assistant (APC-VA)
- Introduction to Veterinary Assisting
- Maintaining a Clean & Safe Environment
- Common Veterinary Medical Conditions
- Small Animal Identification & Communication
- Handling & Restraint of Canines & Felines
- Small Animal Husbandry and Nutrition
- Laboratory Procedures
- Pharmacology & Medical Care
- Diagnostic Imaging
- Surgical Assisting
- Exotic Care
- Large Animal Care
- Being a Valuable Team Member
- Career Preparation
- Pet CPR & First Aid