Understanding Why Dogs Lick You?

Why Do Dogs Lick You

Ever wondered why your furry companion showers you with slobbery kisses? Discover the heartwarming reasons behind your dog’s endearing licks and deepen your understanding of your canine’s needs. Reasons Why Your Dog May Lick You 1. The Natural Instinct of Licking Dogs, as descendants of wolves, have retained the instinct of licking. This primal behavior…

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Preventing Separation Anxiety as We Return to Work

For many of our dogs, the past few months have been a blessing. They’ve had their people home all day. Every day. It is their dream come true. A dog’s heaven. And now we’re beginning to head back to work. A lot of dogs will feel this shift very strongly. After months of total togetherness,…

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When Your Dog Growls …

Dog Growls to Communicate Image, The Academy of Pet Careers

So Your Dog Growls…To Punish or Not to Punish?   A stranger approaches your dog, and your dog growls. Your dog is dozing on the couch, and you sit down next to him, startling him awake, and he growls. Perhaps your dog is chewing on a favorite toy or eating his food and a child…

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The Myth of Reinforcing Fear

Reinforcing Fear, The Academy of Pet Careers

The Myth of Reinforcing Fear There is a school of thought in the training world that says you shouldn’t comfort or give treats to a frightened dog because you are reinforcing fear. For example, if your dog is frightened while getting groomed, you should not stroke them or distract them with treats because this could…

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